APTA Membership


Please note:

1. An Introduction to APTA
2. Benefits and Services
3. Other Information
4. Other Organisations
5. Applying for APTA membership

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1. An Introduction to APTA

Founded in 1948, APTA is the peak national professional philatelic trade association in Australia.   The Association has members world wide and co-operates with member associations affiliated with 

International Federation of Stamp Dealers' Associations (IFSDA) and other philatelic bodies.

The Aims of APTA are to develop and maintain a high standard of business ethics, to provide benefits and services to members and to promote the hobby of philately.

APTA Membership embraces full time philatelic dealers, accessory manufacturers, wholesalers, publishers of philatelic literature and employees of members. Regardless of the size and type of your operation, APTA membership is an investment that will be most beneficial to you.

APTA studies local and national legislation that may be relevant to the philatelic arena. In this and other areas of influence on the trade or hobby, it not only keeps members informed, but undertakes lobbying to the relevant bodies.

Members are required to observe the APTA "Code of Ethics" to maintain sound and responsible  standards of business practice and to encourage and foster high standards of professional conduct amongst those engaged in the stamp trade. This in turn develops goodwill for APTA members throughout the philatelic community.

APTA supplies a membership certificate, lapel badge and Code of Ethics for display purposes and its   logo in various forms for advertising display and use on stationery.
These all enable your business to be identified with the Association.

If you are considering joining the APTA, the following summary of benefits and services will be of interest to you. You can belong to Australia's only trade association for about $1 a day. The value of being a member is worthy of your most careful consideration. For further details of membership requirements and an application form, write, telephone or e-mail us at admin@apta.com.au. today.
Please note that APTA membership requires all Australian based trading members to have an ABN (Australian Business Number).

2. Benefits & Services

Public Relations
APTA is the interface point between the trade and the stamp collecting public, philatelic societies, philatelic publishers, foreign and domestic postal agencies.
Developing interest and awareness in both APTA and the hobby.
Promoting collector confidence in APTA dealer members through advertising.

APTA has a user-friendly pro-active Website.
Current Member Listings ( regularly updated ) - Complete Listing, State listings and alphabetical listings with simple search facilities.
Resource Links - Member Dealers, Philatelic Associations, Philatelic Journals, Auction Houses and other Useful Links
Advertising Forum - In-House Trade Centre
Upcoming Philatelic Events
Membership Application
Theft Report Form

APTA regularly advertises in philatelic journals to promote member recognition, APTA sponsored shows and the hobby generally.
Members are provided with the APTA logo in various forms for exclusive use in advertising that they can undertake and in displays for customers to see.

News & Views
Regional meetings enable the interchange of views and ideas between members and a chance to discuss important trade issues.

Lobbying on pertinent issues:

APTA presents the views of the members to Governments, Australia Post and other bodies, on matters of material interest to the trade. Areas include Postal charges, stamp issuing policies, legislation etc.
Regular newsletters keep members up to date with the philatelic market place and provide:
    ¨ Low cost advertising to develop trade contacts
    ¨ Membership changes/applications
    ¨ Confidential information on whom to trade with caution.
    ¨ Interesting articles

3. Other information

In addition to the above, a wide range of helpful information is provided, including industrial relation and retailing issues.

 Gift Vouchers: 
 APTA donates or distributes a number of valuable gift vouchers each year through philatelic societies and stamp shows. Gift vouchers are also on sale to the public on-line from our website. These gift vouchers can only be redeemed at APTA member establishments, thus money flows   back to our members.

Want List Service:

We email free of charge "Want Lists" to all our members on the net for philatelic material required urgently by a particular member.

Stolen Stamps:

APTA liaises with Police Departments, members and collector bodies, to exchange information on all matters relating to stolen philatelic & related material. Members are promptly advised of all such relevant information through an organised communication network.

Exhibitions and Shows 
APTA co-operates and assists with the promotion and organisation of National and International exhibitions and protects the interests of the trade in relation to these events.

Customer Enquiries: 
 APTA receives many enquiries from collectors seeking advice on how and where to sell their collection or where to purchase stamps for their collection. These contacts are referred to dealer members in that area.

Arbitration of Complaints:
APTA arbitrates disputes between:
    ¨ members & members
    ¨ the public and members 

The National Office provides a service by investigating disputed and or unresolved transactions following the lodgement of complaints. The aim is always to settle the dispute amicably, without resorting to legal action.

4. Other Organisations

Membership of the International Federation of Stamp Dealers' Associations (IFSDA) is automatic upon joining APTA. This entitles you to free a free listing on www.ifsda.com and free admission to IFSDA sponsored shows, receipt of IFSDA newsletters, the bi-annual handbook and a free listing of your business in this handbook. The book also includes names and addresses of many other major international dealers and other international philatelic organizations and much useful information.

The Australian Philatelic Federation (APF): APTA is represented on all state Philatelic Associations and the federal body www.apf.org.au and keeps closely in touch with all relevant matters. APTA is also responsible for organising trade stands at National APF shows.

5. Applying for APTA Membership

Now that you have read about APTA and wish to proceed....

Thank you for considering membership of our Association. By becoming a member of the Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association, you will be listed here on the APTA site with full contact information provided. People looking for your products will be able to click through to your web site, e-mail directly to you or contact you by traditional methods. Membership is open to full-time philatelic professionals, subject to the rules of the Association.

Trading Membership is for professional individuals or companies who are resident in Australia and whose sole or main occupation is trading in philatelic collectables or related materials or are active in supply or publishing in connection with these industries. 
The current annual subscription for Full Time Membership is $275.00 incl.GST.

Overseas Trading Membership is open to full time professional dealers or companies, who have been trading for at least 12 months and who are members of a trade body in their own country and affiliated with IFSDA, where such a body exists. Membership is open to individuals or companies whose sole or main occupation is trading in philatelic collectables or related materials or are active in supply or publishing in connection with these industries.
The current annual subscription for Overseas Membership is AUD$250.00 (no GST applicable)

Application for membership must be made in writing by fully completing the Membership Application Form .(Contact us for application forms) It must bear your signature and the signatures of two members of this association being your proposer and seconder. Further you must include the names of two business references (who are not your proposer or seconder). A cheque, bank draft or credit card details for $275.00 incl. GST, or AUD$250 for Overseas membership, must accompany your application. Your application can then be tabled at the next available Committee Meeting. It will be listed in our Newsletter sent to all members, during which period the appropriate reference checks will be made.
Please note that APTA membership requires all Australian based trading members to have an ABN (Australian Business Number).

If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

We look forward to hearing from you again.
Yours sincerely,

P.O. Box 929, Yeppoon,  QLD. 4703   AUSTRALIA

Tel. Australia wide: 07 4935-1168
Tel. International: +61 7 4935-1168
email: admin@apta.com.au