Australian Kangaroo Stamps
These stamps are the most popular postage stamps of Australia. The basic kangaroo in map design was arranged by the Postmaster-General, Mr Frazer. Based on the artwork done by Blamire Young, a British artist, the Postmaster-General released the design in April 1912. After some intense critisism of the design, it was modified slightly and the Postmaster-General proceeded with its release.
Here are some examples of this issue:





Ten Shillings |
Nine Pence |
Six Pence |
Nine Pence (inverted watermark) |
Two Pounds |
One Pound |
Five Pence |
Four Pence (punctured for official use) |
Three Pence (punctured for official use in NSW) |
Two Pence |
These postage stamps were printed on watermarked paper that has 5 distinct varieties : 1st watermark, 2nd watermark, 3rd watermark, small multiple watermark and C of A watermark.
For official use the stamps were punctured with a large O.S or a small O.S and some have also black overprints of ''OS''.
Also, there are examples of stamps where the watermark is inverted, like the above-pictured 9 Pence. Usually, to represent this inversion, the image of the stamp is turned upside down.