Hamilton's For Stamps

Welcome to Australia & ham4stamps.com. EMAIL ADDRESS : ham4stamps@westnet.com.au
It's Something Different.
We are an established philatelic business operating in beautiful Forster, New South Wales, about 4 hours drive north from Sydney.
Over the coming months and years you will see an ever increasing range of Stamps, Postal History, Revenues, Cinderellas, Postcards, Postal Stationery, Coins and Banknotes. New material is being added on a daily basis so there are many reasons to keep on coming back for that "Something Different". Let us know how we can help you.
We carry sizeable Stamps related material from Australia, Australian States, Australian Antarctic Territory, Christmas Island, Cocos Island, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, Papua New Guinea.
Our stock also extends to carry the following on a revolving basis: British Commonwealth 1840 - 1970, World Postal Stationery 1860 - 1970, Postal History 1600s - 1990, Great Britain used 1840 - 1998, World Revenues and Cinderellas, even World Banknotes and Coins.
To supplement the above we carry all accessories needed, including Catalogues, Stock Books, Stamp Tongs, Hinges, Mounts, Perforation Guages and Magnifiers. Trade with complete confidence as we are full time members of Australasian Philatelic Traders Association (APTA), Stamp and Coin Dealers Association of Australasia (SCDAA)
Hamilton's For Stamps was established in 1990 and has grown steadily since under owner Steve Hamilton. Our main activity is unearthing those special items for our clients whom are world wide.
Our business is located in Forster, New South Wales, a coastal town about 4 hours from Sydney. Our environment here is very relaxing and friendly and we hope that this feeling is evident in your dealings with us.
Steve Hamilton was like so many of us a stamp collector as a child. Other pursuits took over in later teenage years, however the interest in his Stamp Collection never waned and he was hooked again before reaching his thirties.
After giving farewells to the banking industry in 1995 he was looking for new challenges. The business had been part time since 1990 and it was academic that "Hamilton's for Stamps" should broaden its activities to full time operation.
Steve has embraced new challenges along the way and is actively involved in the trade as follows:
· Member of Executive of Australasian Philatelic Traders Association (APTA)
· Past Vice President of Stamp & Coin Dealers Association of Australasia (Inc) (SCDAA)
· Immediate past Show Convener for Petersham Stamp & Coin Show (3 Years)
· Past Booklet Manager for (SCDAA) (3Years)